Saturday, February 1, 2014

Challenge: "Real" Book Challenge January Wrap-Up

So January was a pretty suck-y month when it comes to reading. I only read 4 books, but most  all of those four were ebooks. Now, personally, finishing 4 books a month is actually pretty decent, but at the same time, there are a couple of books that I've been reading for over a month now, and I'm STILL not done with them. *facepalm* February probably won't be any better since I'll be focused on dance and FAWM.

Book Goal: 25

January: 0

I could've sworn I had ONE, but I guess not...*cries*
Let's hope for at least one or two in February!


Thanks for visiting and reading! I appreciate all comments, and I always comment back if I can. :)

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