Saturday, May 3, 2014

Fiction Friction (#6): Reading Reviews

These posts are meant to bring about some conversation, discussion, and perhaps even a debate. These discussion posts can occur at varying days of the week, mostly depending upon what's scheduled on the blog and what I feel like discussing.

As much as I love blogging and reviewing and sharing my opinions on books I've been reading, I wonder how many people actually read my reviews. Why do I ask this? Well, the thing is, I usually don't read many reviews. Sometimes I'll look at ratings or skim through a review, but for the most part, I don't read them. I can't read reviews of books I haven't read yet. I love reading through ones on Goodreads as soon as I'm done but not before. I'll usually read reviews of books that I loved to see what some of the criticisms were. Sometimes I'll read a review of a book I'm really looking forward to if the review is written by a blogger I like.

But even on the occasion that I do read a review, usually on Goodreads because I read books long after they've been published (in general), I don't comment on the post. Once in a while, if it's a book I really loved or hated or really had something to add, I'll comment. But generally, I don't. Sometimes it's because I have nothing substantial to add. Sometimes it's just because I'm not in the mood to. 

And that's why I've been trying to work on the discussion posts I have on here more than the reviews. I know I'd much rather comment on a discussion post of something I haven't seen discussed yet (or even something that has). I feel I have more to contribute to discussions than the reviews that I do manage to read.

So my question is: do you read reviews often? When do you read reviews? Do you have criteria? Do you prefer more reviews or more discussion posts? Should I try to comment more on reviews that I do read, as limited a number as it may be?


  1. I do read reviews! Honestly, I feel like a lot of the time, I'm the only person left in the blogosphere who still loves writing reviews and reading reviews. While I'm going through my feedly, I just kinda screen quickly through all the posts and if I find a review of a book I'm interested in reading, then I'll bookmark it. So I read quite a few reviews on a regular basis but I definitely don't comment on all of them. I feel like there's a lot less to say on reviews as opposed to discussion posts that encourage you to think and leave down your own opinion.

    1. I love reading reviews, but I haven't read the majority of the books that are being reviewed at the moment, and I don't like reading reviews before I read a book (with a few exceptions), so it makes it difficult for me! I'll usually do that if I see something via my email subscriptions, which is honestly what I check most often now (I'm so behind on Bloglovin').

      Agreed! As I mentioned, that's why I'm trying to write more discussion posts. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I read reviews pretty often because the reviews I read I trust the bloggers opinion and I like to get get comments back. Discussion posts are great because I'm so horrible at them. I'm amazed that people can still come up with new things. I rather just keep to reviewing because I know how to do it... mostly.
    There's something called Bloggers Commenting Back. There's a list of bloggers that will do just that. Try and pick a couple that you like and make it a routine. It's a win - win situation. Now if you don't care if you get comments than just do what you are doing. As long as you are having fun blogging (:

    1. I love receiving and giving comments (as time consuming as it is), but school is really hectic at this time of the year, so I've fallen WAYYY behind. Whoops. -.-

      I always have trouble coming up with discussion ideas, so I'm with you there. I try my best though!

      Ooo! I like that idea! I think I've heard of it, but I never looked into it. I guess it's time to do that. ;)


Thanks for visiting and reading! I appreciate all comments, and I always comment back if I can. :)

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