Monday, June 22, 2015

Fiction Friction (#19): I've Been Having a Hard Time Finishing Books

These posts are meant to bring about some conversation, discussion, and perhaps even a debate. These discussion posts can occur at varying days of the week, mostly depending upon what's scheduled on the blog and what I feel like discussing.

I'm not sure if this fits as a Fiction Friction post, but I guess it's a bit of a discussion post, so. I have a confession to make, though if you follow me on Twitter, you might have heard me lamenting about this already (also it's the title of this post). I've been having a very hard time finishing books lately. I keep starting books, then putting them down and starting another. Now, I'm known to be reading a few books at a time, so at first, I didn't find this strange. But for some reason, I haven't been able to just finish a book recently. I've only read two books in June, even though I've had a lot of time more lately. Even after school ended, when I was expecting to read a lot more, I never finished a book. 

I don't know if it's because none of them have been drawing me in or whatever, but it's not like I'm not enjoying the books I'm reading. I just get a little bit bored? Even if they're exciting or even if they're books I really do want to read, I just can't get myself to finish them. Yes Please was easier because they were essays, so I could read one at a time and not feel so bogged down, but even in that case, I had to push through at certain points, knowing I would have to return the book to the library soon. And I read The Broken Hearts' Society because I had to write a review for the blog tour. I really enjoyed that--truly--but even then, there were times when I just wanted to put it down and read something else. Only having that deadline of the blog tour kept me from picking up another book.

But I don't feel that now. Even with books with upcoming release dates or even release dates that have passed me by unintentionally, I'm finding it so hard to stick to a book and read it to the end. I'm also known to read the end of a book, sometimes when I'm still on the first page. It's an impulse I can't help but am now wondering if is hindering me in some way. Like it never used to get in my way, but now that I'm having trouble, I don't know if maybe it's adding to my trouble for some reason?

Maybe I just need a book to blow me away, but it's not like the books I've been trying haven't been great thus far. Maybe I need to take a break from novels and read some of the graphic novels I have to read and review. But I know I can't keep putting this off because I'm running out of books to review and thus posts to post. I'm going to try to push through and finish one book and then switch to one of the two graphic novels I have. Maybe I need to reread a book I love (I'm currently up to CoS in my HP reread, but that's also my least favorite book, so I don't know), but again, I need books to review, so that won't help. We'll see, I guess.

Have you ever been in my predicament? How did you get out of it (naturally wait it out, make yourself sit and finish something, read a comfort/already read book)? Do you have any tips for me?


  1. I've been feeling exactly the same way lately! I'm on vacation & have only read 5 books this month :0 I've just been really disappointed lately in the books I've been picking up w/o any desire to finish

  2. I'm pretty sure I've felt like this at some point as well and it's frustrating because like you, I could be enjoying the book but just can't bring myself to the end. Maybe it's some sort of reading block? I usually try to force myself to carry on but sometimes that takes out the enjoyment from my reading experience so I guess it's about finding the right balance. On the other hand, I might just give up and wait it out and not read anything else. Sometimes this works too because it makes me realise how much I miss reading and need a book in my hands. Then from there it gets better for me.

    I don't think I've been entirely helpful but hopefully you'll be able to find a way out of it soon, Jessica!


Thanks for visiting and reading! I appreciate all comments, and I always comment back if I can. :)

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